Wordpress post template Liivi mööbel

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How To Create a Custom Post Template
From WordPress version 4.7 you can now assign custom page templates to other post types along with page To achieve this in addition to the Template Name file header, the post types supported by
This means that you can get one or several post templates depending on your theme choice
How To Use Custom Template For Post Formats In WordPress
Single post templates are usually defined by your WordPress theme In most cases, it is enough to build a

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Leedu Mööbel OÜ Katusepapi 23, Tallinn, 11412, Estonia.

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hope that helps.
How to create Custom WordPress Post & Page Templates Headers
your page template is page.php, and your post.php or single.php, you can customize those to edit the output, learn how to use the wordpress loop PEHME MÖÖBEL ELUTUBA